
The Art of Licensing Facebook Group
is hosting Cherish Flieder, founder of ArtLicensingShow.com and creator of SomethingToCherish.com, for a LIVE question and answer session.

This is a marvelous opportunity to find out more about how this new platform can be put to work for your art licensing business.
Hosted by: Neelam Kaur
April, 29th, 2016 for an hour long Session, starting 11:00AM MST.

Time Zone Converter, please check for your local time: http://www.worldtimebuddy.com/

RSVP: https://www.facebook.com/events/1683408758576434/

If you are not yet a member of the Facebook group, you may join for free here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/artoflicensing/

Art of licensing facebook question and answer

ArtLicensingShow.com is a protected portfolio website and a great social networking community for the art licensing industry.


art licensing show about for art directorsA short video snippet explaining how ALSC helps art directors streamline their job to find new art:

Joan Beiriger, a very respected and leading voice in the art licensing community, recently blogged about ALSC. She shares many of the benefits and results members are having with the site as well as important TIPS for success!

If you wish to you know more about Cherish, you may read Annie Troe’s recent Artist Spotlight blog.

More about the platform on Artsy Shark: http://www.artsyshark.com/2015/02/12/art-licensing-show/


Archived: QnA Event


If you can’t make this event, you may also contact ALSC here with your questions.

A few more floral images from our members.

Feel free to connect with them on their ALSC profiles to see more work available for licensing.

Carol Lelivelt - Carol_Lelivelt_Purple-Damask

Carol Lelivelt

Neelam Kaur - Neelam Kaur-SurfaceNest

Neelam Kaur

Tiffani Taylor  - TheBuffaloWorks_SCCS_TiffaniTaylor

Tiffani Taylor | The Buffalo Works

Pam Vale Branch - pam vale florals v1

Pam Vale


Click here to see the Garden Party Link-Up.

Click here to see the Garden Party Link-Up.

Click here to see the Garden Party Link-Up.



1 response to LIVE QnA Session with Cherish Flieder

  1. Thanks to everyone who made it to the LIVE event. If you missed it, don’t worry, here is the PDF of the unedited conversation. Hope you pick up several new marketing tips and fun facts about ALSC. https://artlicensingshow.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/LIVE-QnA-Session-ALSC-Cherish-Flieder.pdf

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