• Coffee with Ronnie Video Interviews

    by Cherish Flieder Wow! It has been a busy year so far and it feels like it’s just speeding up! As I always say, the artists in art licensing are the busiest artists I know! There are SO many demands on our time–including fulfilling requests, making new collections, getting ready for shows, staying on top of […]

  • PRO Activate Your Art Licensing Journey

    LEARN THIS! > LIVE EVENT! If you build it, they might not magically come…Don’t worry, there is something you can do move things along. Learn how you can move from quietly sitting pretty as a licensing artist to pro-actively engaging your dream companies and closing the deal! This is a special event hosted on the Art of Licensing […]

  • Coach or Agent? Do I Need Both?

      Guest post by Ronnie Walter The business of art licensing can be a lonely and confusing place. Not as lonely and confusing as say, a post-apocalyptic world in which you and Kanye West are the only remaining souls but still – lonely and confusing. You’ve read the books, scoured the internet for every conceivable […]